Our Ready-to-Use Solutions for Manufacturing
Based on our large experience and the number of collaborations with our customers, we have developed a number of end-to-end solutions and applications to solve specific business problems related to Manufacturing domain. They are designed to fit to company of any size, from big multi-site factory with a working complex IT system to small shop floor with no previous IT deployment experience, as they are focused on solving common business issues, such as:
Collaboration between product design engineers and other collaborators.
Production Status Monitoring.
Product status monitoring for service/maintenance.
Data input automation for ERP/MRP
Recipe and production sampling process traceability in Food & Beverage manufacturing industry,
Manufacturing Inventory Management,
Using state-of-the-art digital platforms, mobilizing the latest technologies in PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), IIOT (Industrial Internet-Of-Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), our solution is solving customer's issues and also helping them to setup and achieve their own Digital Transformation strategy.

PLM & MES - ERP Platform
Enterprise resource planning (ERP), product lifecycle management (PLM) and manufacturing execution systems (MES) have traditionally been three distinct pillars of the manufacturing technology IT system. But in today’s world—where timely product delivery and top-notch quality are mandatory to obtain success—those individual pieces are connected together to create a foundation for a modern-day interpretation of lean manufacturing.
For manufacturing companies, especially for those working with ETO (Engineering-To-Order) process, by closing the loop between PLM, MES and ERP systems, they can improve the process visibility to streamline product delivery cycles, eliminate redundant manual processes and waste, and also to proactively pinpoint and correct quality issues before they become too costly and pose barriers to customer satisfaction.
With our expertise on PLM and MES, as well with the experience on dozen of ERP integration for SMEs, our team can help our customers to close the loop of their lifecycle management process with the best ROI quality on the market.

System connectors
We have developed a "connector" to help SolidWorks users to directly send engineering data seamlessly to other management systems such as ERP, PLM or MES. Thus:
- CAD related engineering data required by other teams such as BOM, dimensions and tolerances will be automatically sent to other system avoiding all mistakes and burden of manual data input.
- The connector to our PLM platform will help users not only to get access to basic PDM functionalities without investing on expensive PDM tools, it will also help users to profit of new powerful PLM capacity to collaborate of other supporting teams such as Management, Sales/Procurement, Planning, Manufacturing, Quality, Warehouse and Service/Maintenance .

Collaboration tool for Pre-Engineering Building Manufacturer
Pre-Engineering Structure (PES) Manufacturers use to work on a hybrid model mixing construction project management and product manufacturing process. Thus, out-of-the-box technologies, such as BIM for AEC company or PLM for OEM company, will not completely match their needs.
Our Project Lifecycle Management solution is developed and take into account all of these constraints to propose a specific approach that help PES makers to manage their many projects in parallel from the bidding phase to closing phase.

Product Status Monitoring for Service & Maintenance process
Tracing his product data from design phase throughout production phase, information concerning product usage as well its maintenance and service will help manufacturer to have an insight view of his own product performance and even to lay down the foundation for a new PaaS (Product-As-A-Service) business model.
Connecting PLM and IOT technology, as well as connected hardware with latest communication protocol (MQTT), we have built a real-time able data collection system allowing users to automatically acquire data "from the field" and manage in a PLM system.
The application is not only for maintenance phase, but is also useful to monitor the usage of machines and assets in a factory.

Automatic costing calculation
Based on the PLM approach, our solution gathers upstream data from engineering (BOM, manufacture data), procurement process and standard running costs, then automatically calculate a forecast product cost. It will help the management to prepare efficiently plans for manufacturing and selling the product.

Recipe & Sampling process traceability
For process industry, especially the Food & Beverage manufacturing industry, the control and tracing of the manufacturing process is mandatory to guarantee the security of the consumers. In order to do that, the manufacturer need to control tightly his product recipe as well the sampling process.
Our developed solution will help him to do that digitally and will help him to stream the data to other connected systems that use these data as well, such as their ERP system and/or LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) system.
Our solution will give to the customer the following advantages:
- PAPERLESS recipe and sampling management process.
- Seamless information sharing throughout extended enterprise to persons in charge.
- Reduce human errors.
- Increase the production operation effectiveness, and the product perceived quality.
- Fast deployment and trans-operation.
- No any changes needed for warehouse layouts, process changes.

Manufacturing inventory Management
A traditional production warehouse usually has a lot of issues concerning its inventory control:
- Information input: manually on paper or on Excel. The process is inaccurate, error prone and updated too late or not on-time.
- Process is controlled on paper, slow to react to change, information sharing is inefficient.
Our digital inventory management solution will give to the users the following advantages:
- PAPERLESS warehouse with REAL-TIME parts tracking.
- Production management system getting the warehouse data INSTANLY
- Reduce Human-Errors
- Increase the warehouse management effectiveness while minimizing the impact to existing process and operation:
- Fast deployment and trans-operation.
- No any changes needed for warehouse layouts, process changes.